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From Bluey Communication of May 3, 2018 - OCIO has awarded the Box contract and the start-up process will begin within the next two weeks and complete by August 2018. Most box accounts were actually created on June 28, 2018.

You can sign into your account using your ARS email address at

Storage space is unlimited, file size is limited to ≤15 GiB or ≤16,106,127,360 bytes, which is the same as UW box accounts.

Sharing with collaborators

If you want to share a folder, sign in to the box web page
Then: Share → Invite collaborators → email address → permission level → Send invites

Really big files If you have files over 15 GBytes to send to or receive from someone, Doug can set up an FTP site on our NAS server


To transfer your files from AFS to box, let Doug know. He will copy files directly from the AFS server to a box folder using rclone.
This may take a few days if it is a large directory.
When it is copied, the AFS account will be set to read-only, and the ownership of the box folder will be transferred to you.

Although all files will show a date of when they were transferred to box, the original file modification date and time is preserved.
To view this, click on the “More options” button → Properties → File Information

Large Files

A file too large to backup to box can be split with (on linux):
split -b 15G -d filename filename-part
and rejoined later with
cat filename-part* > filename

Copying files using Windows

You will probably want to install the Box Drive client.
To download the latest version:

How to automatically backup your "My Documents" folder

Copying files using Linux

You can use rclone to sync files to or from a Linux computer.

rclone installation notes

box.txt · Last modified: 2019/06/04 14:15 by dsenalik

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