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Automatically syncing your "My Documents" or "Desktop" folders to Box

You can create a “Junction” to any folder on your computer inside your “Box Sync” folder, and then all of your files in that folder will be automatically synchronized to box.

  1. cd to the Box Sync folder, for example
    cd "\Users\some_username\Box Sync"
  2. find the path to My Documents, for example “c:\users\some_username\Documents”
  3. in the cmd window, enter
    mklink /J "My Documents" "c:\users\some_username\Documents"
  4. If it is successful, you will see “Junction created for My Documents <<===>> C:\Users\some_username\Documents”
  5. Verify that it works with
    dir "My Documents"
  6. You can repeat the process for you “Desktop” folder, or any other folders on your computer

This is from This post on the Box forum

If you need to remove this junction later, use e.g.

rmdir "\Users\some_username\Box Sync\My Documents"
boxmydocuments.txt · Last modified: 2018/07/19 10:02 by dsenalik

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