Carrot root and DNA VCRU Bioinformatics USDA ARS Vegetable Crops Research Unit

This page was last updated on Sunday, 10-Jul-2016 09:17:25 CDT

Installation notes for Trinity version 2.1.1

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GMAP GSNAP for genome-guided Trinity


  1. $ ver="2.1.1"
  2. $ cd /programinstallers/
  3. $ wget -N$ver.tar.gz
  4. $ mv v$ver.tar.gz trinityrnaseq-$ver.tar.gz
  5. $ cd /usr/local/bin
  6. $ tar -zxvf /programinstallers/trinityrnaseq-$ver.tar.gz
  7. $ cd trinityrnaseq-$ver
  8. $ make

    Performing Unit Tests of Build
    JellyFish:               has been Installed Properly
    Inchworm:                has been Installed Properly
    Chrysalis:               has been Installed Properly
    QuantifyGraph:           has been Installed Properly
    GraphFromFasta:          has been Installed Properly
    ReadsToTranscripts:      has been Installed Properly
    fastool:                 has been Installed Properly
    parafly:                 has been Installed Properly
    samtools-0.1.19          has been Installed Properly
  9. $ cd ..
  10. If upgrading:
    $ rm trinityrnaseq
  11. Make a version-independent symlink
    $ ln -s trinityrnaseq-$ver trinityrnaseq
  12. Add to default PATH for all users
    $ sudo nano /etc/profile

  13. Not sure if this helps, but make a symlink to TransDecoder in the Trinity plugins folder
    $ cd /usr/local/bin/trinityrnaseq/trinity-plugins
  14. $ ln -s /usr/local/bin/TransDecoder