Carrot root and DNA VCRU Bioinformatics USDA ARS Vegetable Crops Research Unit

This page was last updated on Saturday, 20-Dec-2014 13:52:06 CST

Installation notes for Velvet version 0.2.08

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See velvet install instructions


  1. $ cd /programinstallers/
  2. $ git clone git://
  3. $ cd oases
  4. $ make 'OPENMP=1' 'MAXKMERLENGTH=99' 'VELVET_DIR=/programinstallers/velvet'
  5. Installation (to velvet directory which is in PATH)
    $ cp -puv oases /usr/local/bin/velvet/
  6. $ cd ..
  7. Cleanup
    $ rm /programinstallers/oases -rf
  8. Cleanup velvet if waited to compile oases
    $ rm /programinstallers/velvet -rf