===== Transferring files between USDA Box account and SciNet ===== The rclone home page is https://rclone.org/ ==== rclone installation on SciNet ==== - Go to the web page at https://rclone.org/downloads/ and find the url for the **AMD64 - 64 Bit Linux** version, and download it //e.g.// wget https://downloads.rclone.org/v1.48.0/rclone-v1.48.0-linux-amd64.zip - Uncompress //e.g.// unzip rclone-v1.48.0-linux-amd64.zip - Put the rclone program in your bin directory, which will put it in your default PATH mv rclone-v1.48.0-linux-amd64/rclone ~/bin/ - Install the rclone manual page (directory may not exist) mkdir -p ~/man/man1 && mv rclone-v1.48.0-linux-amd64/rclone.1 ~/man/man1/ ==== rclone installation on Windows ==== You will have to install rclone on Windows so that you can generate an authentication token for Box with the USDA VPN and eAuthentication active - Go to the web page at https://rclone.org/downloads/ and find the Windows installer. Download it and install rclone - Open a Windows command prompt (**cmd**) - Type rclone authorize "box" - On the web page that shows up, click on **Use Single Sign On (SSO)** - Enter your USDA email address - Do the eAuthentication thing - Click on the **Grant access to Box** button - Go back to the command prompt window, an authentication token should be there. Copy the part between the braces {"access_token":"ABCDEF...} ==== rclone configuration on SciNet ==== - Type rclone config - Type **n** for **n) New remote** - For **name>** enter any name //e.g.// **usdabox** - For **Storage>** you can find the number, but it's easier to just type **box** - For both **client_id>** and **client_secret>** leave blank, just hit enter - For **Edit advanced config** enter **n** - For **Remote config, Use auto config?** enter **n** - Paste the text from the last step from the section above that you got from your Windows computer - Type **y** for **y) Yes this is OK** - Type **q** to quit ==== Test ==== - Test directory listing using the **name>** you selected earlier: rclone lsd usdabox: - Test file listing rclone lsl usdabox: | head ==== Commands ==== - For description of commands available see https://rclone.org/docs/#subcommands - You installed the rclone manual page earlier, so you can also do man rclone - A common case might be to backup your SciNet project directory to box. You could do this with //e.g.// rclone copy /project/bogus_genome usdabox:/scinetbackup/bogus_genome --verbose