27th International Carrot Conference Trials - August 25, 1998

Cello & Nantes Trial - Entries Listed by Field Number

Number of Judges Placing in Class
Entry Pedigree or Name Source 1 2 3 4 5 Sum Mean1 Rank
210 FIRST CLASS Asgrow 1 12 14 8 99 2.83 12
211 PREMIUM Asgrow 7 17 8 3 77 2.20 35
212 IDAHO Bejo 4 16 10 5 86 2.46 23
213 CXC94668 Chriseed 5 7 22 1 89 2.54 19
214 SUNRISE Crookham 3 18 14 81 2.31 30
215 XPH97W96 Crookham 9 19 7 68 1.94 47
216 975719 Daehnfeldt 3 17 13 2 84 2.40 26
217 975720 Daehnfeldt 5 12 16 2 120 3.43 1
218 975724 NO SEED Daehnfeldt Poor stand - only 3 plants - -
219 975785 NO SEED ? Daehnfeldt 14 19 2 58 1.66 53
220 975794 NO SEED Daehnfeldt No plants - -
221 GOLD PRIDE Harris Moran 5 20 9 1 76 2.17 36
222 HMX 5315 Harris Moran 7 19 9 72 2.06 42
223 SIX-PAK Harris Moran 2 10 21 2 93 2.66 15
224 SIX-PAK II Harris Moran 5 10 12 8 93 2.66 16
225 SIX PENCE Harris Moran 1 6 12 16 113 3.23 2
226 ALENKA Ukranian Inst. Veg. 26 6 2 1 48 1.37 56
227 NANTSKAYA KHAESKOVSKAYA Ukranian Inst. Veg. 22 9 2 2 54 1.54 55
228 CR2566 Novartis 1 11 17 6 98 2.80 13
229 RCR2567 Novartis 11 18 6 100 2.86 10
230 TCT3667 Novartis 2 21 9 3 83 2.37 28
231 RCR4677 Novartis 7 20 7 1 72 2.06 43
232 TEMPTATION Peto 5 11 17 2.5 86.5 2.47 22
233 ORANGE EXPRESS Polonica 8 14 13 75 2.14 37
234 PACIFIC GOLD Sakata 10 16 7.5 1.5 70.5 2.01 45
235 XCR-7239 Sakata 26 9 44 1.26 58
236 XCR-7240 Sakata 13 19 3 60 1.71 52
237 XCR-7241 Sakata 14 14 6.5 1 64.5 1.84 49
238 SSC 19098 Shamrock 1 13 16 5 95 2.71 14
239 SSC19115 Shamrock 2 16 16 2 87.5 2.50 20
240 APACHE Sunseeds 8 17 10 72 2.06 44
241 CHOCTAW Sunseeds 1 9 18 7 0.5 102 2.91 8
242 TRIPLEPLAY 58 Sunseeds 2 3 17 14 111.5 3.19 4
243 (9304 x 5238) x 6526 630-3 6 19 9 71 2.09 41
244 (5280 x 6366) x 2205 612-2 6 17 12 1 77.5 2.21 33
245 (5280 x 5238) x 8233 633-4 2 18 13 2.5 85.5 2.44 24
246 (6366 x 2226) x 6526 738-2 13 13 7 2 68 1.94 48
247 (7241A x 2126) 716-12 10 15 10 70 2.00 46
248 (2566 x 5280) x 8233 541-4 5 16 12 2.5 81.5 2.33 29
249 CXC8771 Chriseed 3 15 15 3 87.5 2.50 21
250 CXC94747 Chriseed 7 19 7 2 74 2.11 39
251 MONIQUE Crookham 9 13 9.5 3.5 77.5 2.21 34
252 GAROLUOLES Lithuania Inst of Hort 13 17 4 1 63 1.80 51
253 NR.01110 Lithuania Inst of Hort 27 8 43 1.23 59
254 NR.01163 Lithuania Inst of Hort 25 9 1 46 1.31 57
255 NR.01443A Lithuania Inst of Hort 20 11 4 1 56.5 1.61 54
256 MERIDA Nunhems 9 14 13 108.5 3.10 5
257 PARANO Nunhems 9 10 14 1.5 109.5 3.22 3
258 STARCA Nunhems 2 10 15 8 0.5 100 2.86 11
259 RCR 1851-A Novartis 5 17 12 1 79 2.26 32
260 KXPC-042 Polonica 16 10 8 1 64 1.83 50
261 XCR-7374 Sakata 1 7 19 8 0.5 105 3.00 7
262 XCR-7412 Sakata 7 12 15 1 80 2.29 31
263 SSC 19119 Shamrock 7 18 9 1 74 2.11 40
264 SPMO1 Sperling 5 12 16 2 85 2.43 25
265 SPMO2 Sperling 6 8 15 6.5 91.5 2.61 18
266 BOLERO Vilmorin 1 5 19 9.5 0.5 108.5 3.10 6
267 CONCERTO Vilmorin 3 20 7 5 84 2.40 27
268 MAESTRO Vilmorin 2 9 16 7 1 101 2.89 9
269 PRESTO Vilmorin 8 17 7.5 2.5 74.5 2.13 38
270 TEMPO Vilmorin 3 11 17 4 92 2.63 17

Average Score:


1Mean based on average of 35 judges: 1 = unacceptable, 2 = poor, 3 = fair, 4 = good, 5 = excellent.

http://www.hort.wisc.edu/carrot/trial_cn_n.html - Last updated October 10, 2000