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Intermediate Red

Call for Carrot Seed for 36th International Carrot Conference

This is the first call for carrot seed for the 36th International Carrot Conference to be held August 15-16, 2013, in Madison, WI. A significant component of the conference is a field trial where we will display diverse carrot varieties grown at the Paul Miller Farm in Hancock, WI.

We request you or your company to please submit carrot seed for the International Carrot Conference variety trial.

The carrot trial will be composed of:

  1. Imperator cut 'n peel
  2. Imperator cellos
  3. Nantes or Kuroda
  4. Processing types (large roots)
  5. Novel colors and shapes

Each seed company can submit up to 20 seed samples, but no more than 5 samples for any of the five categories listed above. Each sample you submit needs to be identified as to which of the five categories it belongs. For category 3, identify as either 'Nantes' or 'Kuroda' and for category 5, please indicate the root color. We will plant the processing types before the other categories. If you are interested in submitting entries, send samples by March 15, 2013. Please send 10 grams of seed, preferably raw, for each sample you submit to:

Phil Simon
USDA, ARS Vegetable Crops Research Unit
Department of Horticulture
University of Wisconsin
1575 Linden Drive
Madison, WI 53706

If you have questions please contact Phil Simon at 608-262-1248 or psimon@wisc.edu

Last updated Sunday, 03-Feb-2013 14:46:44 CST