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Intermediate Red

36th International Carrot Conference Abstract

Carrots and Genomics: An Introduction to the application of Molecular Markers

Dorien Postma-Haarsma

BejoZaden B.V., the Netherlands

Over the last decade, a major change has taken place in the field of molecular biology. With the introduction of Next Generation Sequencing huge amounts of/ a lot more sequence information has/ have become available and therefore also new tools for carrot breeding.

In my presentation, I will give an introduction into this field of research.

The topics that will be addressed are: the plant cell with its DNA and how this DNA behaves during cell division and crossings, what is PCR and what are molecular markers and finally, how can we use this DNA and the molecular markers in the lab to assist carrot breeding?

Last updated Thursday, 25-Jul-2013 11:52:48 CDT