Carrot root and DNA VCRU Bioinformatics USDA ARS Vegetable Crops Research Unit

This page was last updated on Friday, 17-Jun-2022 11:55:46 CDT

Remote Desktop Access to Linux server - Index



Instructions for remote access to Linux servers from a Windows 10 computer using built-in command line

  1. Open a command prompt. Type "cmd" in the search bar and open "Command Prompt"
  2. At the prompt type for example
    ssh -p 7262
  3. The first time only, type "yes" at the "Are you sure you want to continue connecting"

Instructions for remote access to Linux servers from a Windows computer using vnc

  1. Download TightVNC Windows installer
    local copy, version 2.0.2: tightvnc-2.0.2-setup.exe
    from tightvnc web site:
    Or check for a newer version at
  2. Run this installer
  3. Download putty.exe
    local copy, version 0.60: putty.exe
    from PuTTY web site:
    Or check for a newer version at
    There is no installer, that single file is the entire program!
    You can just save the downloaded file on the desktop, or you can save it to the TightVNC folder in \Program Files\TightVNC\ and make a shortcut to it.
  4. Start putty by double clicking on it, you should see a screen something like this:
    PuTTY screen 1
    Enter the indicated values shown here:
    PuTTY screen 2
    Enter the indicated values shown here, except 5983 is just an example, use the value Doug gave you when setting up your Linux account:
    PuTTY screen 3
    Enter the indicated values shown here:
    PuTTY screen 4
  5. Login with your name and password. The first time only, you will see a warning similar to the one shown here, it is safe to click "Yes"
    PuTTY Security Alert dialog box
  6. Start TightVNC
    Unless you installed it somewhere else, you will find it in the Start menu under "Programs" "TightVNC" "TightVNC Viewer"
  7. Enter the indicated value shown here, except 83 is just an example, use the value Doug gave you when setting up your Linux account:
    TightVNC screen 1
  8. IF you have problems, this command typed into your PuTTY windown will reset the vnc desktop:
    vnc --restart

Instructions for remote access to Linux servers from another Linux computer

  1. Make sure you have vncviewer installed, e.g.:
    For Fedora: sudo yum install vnc
    Package tigervnc-1.0.1-1.fc12.i686 already installed and latest version
    For Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install vncviewer
  2. Create this shell script (let's call it cranberry):
    export VNC_VIA_CMD='/usr/bin/ssh -2 -c aes128-cbc -x -p 7262 -l XXXX -f -L %L:%H:%R %G sleep 20'
    vncviewer -via localhost:59YY
    where XXXX is your linux account login name,
    YY is the port number you were assigned,
    and is the server name
  3. Make it executable with:
    chmod 700 cranberry
  4. Move it to a folder in your PATH, e.g.
    sudo mv cranberry /usr/local/bin/
  5. Make a desktop shortcut with:
    ln -s /usr/local/bin/cranberry ~/Desktop/cranberry