Usage: XPCLR -xpclr hapmapInput1 hapmapInput2 mapInput outFile -w gWin(Morgan) snpWin gridSize(bp) chrN -p corrLevel -w1: gWin sets the size of a sliding window(units: 100cM),sWin sets # of SNPs in a window. otherwise, no sliding window -p1:the input genotpe is already phased. -p0: the input genotype is not phased corrLevel: the value is on (0,1], set corrLevel equal to 0 if no correction is needed =============================================================================== XP-CLR version 1.0 10-30-2009 (linux) Hua Chen The XP-CLR package implements a composite likelihood method for detecting selective sweeps via the differentiation of two populations. =============================================================================== Executables and scource code: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All C executables are in the bin/ directory. We have placed source code for all C executables in the src/ directory, for users who wish to modify and recompile our programs. For example, to recompile the eigenstrat program, type "cd src" "make" "make install" =============================================================================== Command line: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ XPCLR -xpclr genofile1 genofile2 mapfile outputFile -w1 snpWin gridSize chrN -p corrLevel -xpclr: specify the input file format.[XpCLR accepts several other input formats, but currently they haven't been checked carefully yet.] genofile1: genotype input for object population genofile2: genotype input for reference population mapfile: snp information file (for SNPs from a single chromosome) outputfile: The format is illustrated in next section. -w1: set it to "-w1" gWin: the size of a window (in units of Morgan). If the window size is not too small, the performance of XPCLR doesn't depend on the size. A reasonable choice is 0.005. snpWin: maximum # of SNPs within a window. XPCLR score depends on the number of SNPs. To make the XP-CLR scores comparable between regions, it is necessary to control the maximum number of SNPs within a single window. The choice of snp # depends on the SNP density of your data. gridSize: the spacing between two grid points. It is in unit of bp. chrN: the chromosome number. -p: "-p1": specify this if the genotype data is already phased. "-p0": specify this if the genotype data is unphased. The phase information of the genotype is used only if corrLevel is set to be >0. When corrLevel >0, the XP-CLR score is estimated using a weighted scheme. The weights come from the pairwise correlation between SNPs in the reference pop. If "p1", the phased data will be used to estimate pairwise correlation coefficient directly; if "p0", pairwise correlation coefficients are estimated with an EM algorithm. corrLevel: the range of its value is on [0 1]. If it is on (0 1], this corrLevel value is used as a criterion in the weighted composite likelihood ratio test. If two SNPs are highly correlated (r2 > corrLevel), their contribution to XPCLR is down-weighted. If corrLevel is set to be 0, XPCLR is estimated un-weightedly. One example of command line: XPCLR -xpclr CEU.9 YRI.9 snp.9 xpclr.9 -w1 0.005 200 2000 1 -p0 0.95 which means, a scan for selection on the genotype data from CEU.9 with YRI.9 as a reference, the output file is named with appendix "xpclr.9". A set of grid points as the putative selected allele positions are placed along the chromosome with a spacing of 2kb, the sliding window size is 0.5cM around the gird points. If the number of SNPs within a window is beyond 200, some SNPs will be randomly dropped to control for the SNP number. A weighted CLR scheme is adopted in estimating XPCLR--the pairwise correlation coefficients (r2) of SNPs from the reference population are used to give weights. When r2 >0.95, CLR scores for these two SNPs are down-weighted. The genotype data of input is unphased, thus r2 coefficients are estimated via a EM algorithm. =============================================================================== Input/output format: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .geno file: each row contains the genotype of a single SNP for example: 1 0 1 1 9 9 1 1 1 0 0 0 which contains two SNPs from 3 individuals. The first two columns are the two alleles of individual #1. 1 and 0 correspond to two allele types. 9 denotes missing data. The data could be phased or unphased. If it is phased, then each column stands for alleles from the same haplotype. Otherwise, the two alleles of an individual are placed arbitrarily. NOTE: The format is different from eigenstrat .geno file! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .snp file: each row contains information on a SNP: SNPName chr# GeneticDistance(Morgan) PhysicalDistance(bp) RefAllele TheOtherAllele for example: rs465423 1 0.042681 4268076 T C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- output file: chr# grid# #ofSNPs_in_window physical_pos genetic_pos XPCLR_score max_s The output file can be used to make plots with other softwares, eg, R, Matlab. To make a plot of XP-CLR along the chromosome using matlab: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xpclrScore=load('fileNameofOutput'); plot(xpclrScore(:,4),xpclrScore(:,6),'.'); ================================================================================ ================================================================================