The available options for the DiscoverySNPCallerPlugin are as follows: -i Input .tbt file -y Use byte-formatted TBT file (*.tbt.byte) -m TagsOnPhysicalMap file containing genomic positions of tags -mUpd Update TagsOnPhysicalMap file with allele calls for Production Pipeline, save to specified file (default: no updating) -o Output HapMap file. Use a plus sign (+) as a wild card character in place of the chromosome number (e.g., /path/hapmap/myGBSGenos.chr+.hmp.txt) -vcf Output a VCF file (*.vcf) as well as the default HapMap (*.hmp.txt) (default: false) -mxSites Maximum number of sites (SNPs) output per chromosome (default: 200000) -mnF Minimum F (inbreeding coefficient) (default: 0.8 = no filter) -p Pedigree file containing full sample names (or expected names after merging) & expected inbreeding coefficient (F) for each. Only taxa with expected F >= mnF used to calculate F = 1-Ho/He. (default: use ALL taxa to calculate F) -mnMAF Minimum minor allele frequency (default: 0.01) -mnMAC Minimum minor allele count (default: 10) -mnLCov Minimum locus coverage (proportion of Taxa with a genotype) (default: 0.1) -errRate Average sequencing error rate per base (used to decide between heterozygous and homozygous calls) (default: 0.01) -ref Path to reference genome in fasta format. Ensures that a tag from the reference genome is always included when the tags at a locus are aligned against each other to call SNPs. The reference allele for each site is then provided in the output HapMap files, under the taxon name "REFERENCE_GENOME" (first taxon). DEFAULT: Don't use reference genome. -inclRare Include the rare alleles at site (3 or 4th states) (default: false) -inclGaps Include sites where major or minor allele is a GAP (default: false) -callBiSNPsWGap Include sites where the third allele is a GAP (default: false) (mutually exclusive with inclGaps) -sC Start chromosome -eC End chromosome