You must specify a path to the directory containing Stacks output files. rxstacks 1.35 rxstacks -b batch_id -P path [-o path] [-t threads] [-v] [-h] b: Batch ID to examine when exporting from the catalog. P: path to the Stacks output files. o: output path to write results. t: number of threads to run in parallel sections of code. v: print program version. h: display this help messsage. Filtering options: --lnl_filter: filter catalog loci based on the mean log likelihood of the catalog locus in the population. --lnl_lim : minimum log likelihood required to keep a catalog locus. --lnl_dist: print distribution of mean log likelihoods for catalog loci. --conf_filter: filter confounded loci. --conf_lim : between 0.0 and 1.0 (default 0.75), proportion of loci in population that must be confounded relative to the catalog locus. --prune_haplo: prune out non-biological haplotypes unlikely to occur in the population. --max_haplo : only consider haplotypes for pruning if they occur in fewer than max_haplo_cnt samples. Model options: --model_type : either 'snp' (default), 'bounded', or 'fixed' For the SNP or Bounded SNP model: --alpha : chi square significance level required to call a heterozygote or homozygote, either 0.1 (default), 0.05, 0.01, or 0.001. For the Bounded SNP model: --bound_low : lower bound for epsilon, the error rate, between 0 and 1.0 (default 0). --bound_high : upper bound for epsilon, the error rate, between 0 and 1.0 (default 1). Logging Options: --verbose: extended logging, including coordinates of all changed nucleotides (forces single-threaded execution).