You must specify an input file of a directory path to a set of input files. process_radtags 1.35 process_radtags [-f in_file | -p in_dir [-P] [-I] | -1 pair_1 -2 pair_2] -b barcode_file -o out_dir -e enz [-c] [-q] [-r] [-t len] [-D] [-w size] [-s lim] [-h] f: path to the input file if processing single-end sequences. i: input file type, either 'bustard' for the Illumina BUSTARD format, 'bam', 'fastq' (default), or 'gzfastq' for gzipped FASTQ. y: output type, either 'fastq', 'gzfastq', 'fasta', or 'gzfasta' (default is to match the input file type). p: path to a directory of files. P: files contained within directory specified by '-p' are paired. I: specify that the paired-end reads are interleaved in single files. 1: first input file in a set of paired-end sequences. 2: second input file in a set of paired-end sequences. o: path to output the processed files. b: path to a file containing barcodes for this run. c: clean data, remove any read with an uncalled base. q: discard reads with low quality scores. r: rescue barcodes and RAD-Tags. t: truncate final read length to this value. E: specify how quality scores are encoded, 'phred33' (Illumina 1.8+, Sanger, default) or 'phred64' (Illumina 1.3 - 1.5). D: capture discarded reads to a file. w: set the size of the sliding window as a fraction of the read length, between 0 and 1 (default 0.15). s: set the score limit. If the average score within the sliding window drops below this value, the read is discarded (default 10). h: display this help messsage. Barcode options: --inline_null: barcode is inline with sequence, occurs only on single-end read (default). --index_null: barcode is provded in FASTQ header (Illumina i5 or i7 read). --null_index: barcode is provded in FASTQ header (Illumina i7 read if both i5 and i7 read are provided). --inline_inline: barcode is inline with sequence, occurs on single and paired-end read. --index_index: barcode is provded in FASTQ header (Illumina i5 and i7 reads). --inline_index: barcode is inline with sequence on single-end read and occurs in FASTQ header (from either i5 or i7 read). --index_inline: barcode occurs in FASTQ header (Illumina i5 or i7 read) and is inline with single-end sequence (for single-end data) on paired-end read (for paired-end data). Restriction enzyme options: -e , --renz_1 : provide the restriction enzyme used (cut site occurs on single-end read) --renz_2 : if a double digest was used, provide the second restriction enzyme used (cut site occurs on the paired-end read). Currently supported enzymes include: 'ageI', 'aluI', 'apeKI', 'apoI', 'bamHI', 'bgIII', 'bstYI', 'claI', 'ddeI', 'dpnII', 'eaeI', 'ecoRI', 'ecoRV', 'ecoT22I', 'hindIII', 'kpnI', 'mluCI', 'mseI', 'mspI', 'ndeI', 'nheI', 'nlaIII', 'notI', 'nsiI', 'pstI', 'rsaI', 'sacI', 'sau3AI', 'sbfI', 'sexAI', 'sgrAI', 'speI', 'sphI', 'taqI', 'xbaI', or 'xhoI' Adapter options: --adapter_1 : provide adaptor sequence that may occur on the single-end read for filtering. --adapter_2 : provide adaptor sequence that may occur on the paired-read for filtering. --adapter_mm : number of mismatches allowed in the adapter sequence. Output options: --retain_header: retain unmodified FASTQ headers in the output. --merge: if no barcodes are specified, merge all input files into a single output file. Advanced options: --filter_illumina: discard reads that have been marked by Illumina's chastity/purity filter as failing. --disable_rad_check: disable checking if the RAD site is intact. --len_limit : specify a minimum sequence length (useful if your data has already been trimmed). --barcode_dist_1: the number of allowed mismatches when rescuing single-end barcodes (default 1). --barcode_dist_2: the number of allowed mismatches when rescuing paired-end barcodes (defaults to --barcode_dist_1).