You must specify a path to the directory containing Stacks output files. phasedstacks 1.35 phasedstacks -b id -S path -P path -t file_type [-p threads] [-M popmap] [-v] [-h] b: Stacks batch ID. P: path to the phased output files. S: path to the Stacks output files. t: input file type. Supported types: fastphase, and beagle. p: number of processes to run in parallel sections of code. M: path to the population map, a tab separated file describing which individuals belong in which population. v: print program version. h: display this help messsage. --haplotypes: data were phased as RAD locus haplotypes. --dprime_bin_size: size of buckets for binning SNPs at a particular distance to calculate the mean D' value. --dprime_threshold : if D' values fall above , set the D' to 1, otherwise set D' to 0. Filtering options: --skip_zeros: do not include D' values of zero in the D' output. --minor_allele_freq: specify a minimum minor allele frequency required to process a nucleotide site (0 < a < 0.5). --min_inform_pairs: when building D' haplotype blocks, the minimum number of informative D' measures to combine two blocks (default 0.9).