You must specify a path to the directory containing Stacks output files. genotypes 1.35 genotypes -b batch_id -P path [-r min] [-m min] [-t map_type -o type] [-B blacklist] [-W whitelist] [-c] [-s] [-e renz] [-v] [-h] b: Batch ID to examine when exporting from the catalog. r: minimum number of progeny required to print a marker. c: make automated corrections to the data. P: path to the Stacks output files. t: map type to write. 'CP', 'DH', 'F2', 'BC1' and 'GEN' are the currently supported map types. o: output file type to write, 'joinmap', 'onemap', 'rqtl', and 'genomic' are currently supported. m: specify a minimum stack depth required before exporting a locus in a particular individual. s: output a file to import results into an SQL database. B: specify a file containing Blacklisted markers to be excluded from the export. W: specify a file containign Whitelisted markers to include in the export. e: restriction enzyme, required if generating 'genomic' output. v: print program version. h: display this help messsage. Filtering options: --lnl_lim [num]: filter loci with log likelihood values below this threshold. Automated corrections options: --min_hom_seqs: minimum number of reads required at a stack to call a homozygous genotype (default 5). --min_het_seqs: below this minor allele frequency a stack is called a homozygote, above it (but below --max_het_seqs) it is called unknown (default 0.05). --max_het_seqs: minimum frequency of minor allele to call a heterozygote (default 0.1). Manual corrections options: --cor_path : path to file containing manual genotype corrections from a Stacks SQL database to incorporate into output.