You must specify a batch ID and it must be an integer (e.g. 1, 2, 3). 1.35 -p path -r path [-s path] -o path [-t] [-m min_cov] [-M mismatches] [-n mismatches] [-T num_threads] [-A type] [-O popmap] [-B db -b batch_id -D "desc"] [-S -i num] [-e path] [-d] [-h] p: path to a FASTQ/FASTA file containing parent sequences from a mapping cross. r: path to a FASTQ/FASTA file containing progeny sequences from a mapping cross. s: path to a FASTQ/FASTA file containing an individual sample from a population. o: path to write pipeline output files. A: if processing a genetic map, specify the cross type, 'CP', 'F2', 'BC1', 'DH', or 'GEN'. O: if analyzing one or more populations, specify a pOpulation map. T: specify the number of threads to execute. e: executable path, location of pipeline programs. d: perform a dry run. Do not actually execute any programs, just print what would be executed. h: display this help message. Stack assembly options: m: specify a minimum number of identical, raw reads required to create a stack. P: specify a minimum number of identical, raw reads required to create a stack in 'progeny' individuals. M: specify the number of mismatches allowed between loci when processing a single individual (default 2). N: specify the number of mismatches allowed when aligning secondary reads to primary stacks (default M+2). n: specify the number of mismatches allowed between loci when building the catalog (default 1). t: remove, or break up, highly repetitive RAD-Tags in the ustacks program. H: disable calling haplotypes from secondary reads. Database options: b: batch ID representing this dataset. B: specify a database to load data into. D: batch description. a: batch run date, yyyy-mm-dd, if not provided, current date will be used. S: disable recording SQL data in the database. i: starting sample_id, this is determined automatically if database interaction is enabled. SNP Model Options (these options are passed on to ustacks): --bound_low : lower bound for epsilon, the error rate, between 0 and 1.0 (default 0). --bound_high : upper bound for epsilon, the error rate, between 0 and 1.0 (default 1). --alpha : chi square significance level required to call a heterozygote or homozygote, either 0.1, 0.05 (default), 0.01, or 0.001. Arbitrary command line options: -X "program:option": pass a command line option to one of the pipeline components, e.g.'-X "ustacks:--max_locus_stacks 4"'.