This readme describes how to use the software SOAPsplice. For more information about SOAPsplice, please refer to the website: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Files: ./bin/: executable files. ./example/: example to use the software, you can just run the script "". ./doc/: document for users, it introduces the format of output files. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to use SOAPsplice to do alignment (with DNA) for transcriptome? 1. Build index for reference % ./2bwt-builder Example: % ./2bwt-builder humangenome.fa or % ./2bwt-builder humangenome.fa index/humangenome.fa # the index files will be in the directory "index/". Note: a) Make sure that the file "2bwt-builder.ini" is together with "2bwt-builder". b) If you don't input "", a collection of files will be built with the filename prefix ".index", otherwise the prefix is ".index". 2. Do the alignment % perl -D <2BWT index prefix> -fq1 -fq2 -l -key [Advanced Options] Example: % pelr -D hg18.fa.index -fq1 1.fq -fq2 2.fq -o ./ -key test -l 50 Note: a) For the value of parameters, the value followed "-t" is the longest distance between two segments on the same chromosome(two segments belong to one read). For human, the recommended value is 500000, for arabidopsis, the recommended value is 1000. For "-m" and "-g", you can use the vaule in the example. For more information about SOAPsplice, please refer to the website: If there are any further questions, please email to , or Date: Jan, 2011