REAPR version 1.0.18 README file _____________________________ INSTALLATION ___________________________________ Prerequisites: - R installed and in your path ( - The following Perl modules need to be installed: File::Basename File::Copy File::Spec File::Spec::Link Getopt::Long List::Util To install REAPR, run ./ Note that (depending on your system) this could take quite a long time because there are several third-party tools that need to be compiled. Once it has finished, add ./reapr to your $PATH, or call it explicitly with /path/to/your/installation/directory/reapr Optionally, you might want to have Artemis installed ( to view the output. It must be at least Artemis version 15.0.0. ______________________________ RUN THE TEST __________________________________ If you want to check the installation is ok, you can run a test of the whole REAPR pipeline. IMPORTANT: the test assumes that 'reapr' has been added to your $PATH. The test data are available as a separate download. These are solely to check that the installation runs, using a cut-down dataset. As such, the results are not the same as those that would be obtained when running on the full dataset. The data contains reads from the ENA (accession number SRR022865). The remainder of the test data is from the GAGE paper (Salzberg et al. 2011), using the Velvet assembly of S. aureus (see Download the test data tarball, unpack it and run the test script from inside the test directory: ./ ____________________________ MAPPING READS ___________________________________ SMALT ( is recommended to map the reads. REAPR has been tested using versions 0.6.4 and of SMALT, but we have noticed issues with writing a BAM file directly (with the SMALT option -f bam). Please use -f samsoft when running SMALT, then import to BAM with samtools or Picard. REAPR can map reads for you using SMALT - you can run 'reapr smaltmap' with the -x option to print a list of the mapping commands that REAPR would run to produce a BAM for input to the REAPR pipeline. ________________________________ GET HELP ____________________________________ Please read the manual: manual.pdf _______________________________ BRIEF USAGE __________________________________ All REAPR tasks are run via a call to reapr Call with no arguments for a list of tasks. Call any task with no arguments to get the usage for that task. To run the entire pipeline, run reapr pipeline Full instructions can be found in the manual: manual.pdf. __________________________ BUG REPORTS/QUESTIONS/COMMENTS ____________________ Please email Martin Hunt,