Usage: perl [-h] [-help] [-version] [-man] [-verbose] [-i input_graph_data_file] [-png_all] [-html_all] [-log file] Options: -help | -h Print the help message; ignore other arguments. -man Print the full documentation; ignore other arguments. -version Print program version; ignore other arguments. -verbose Prints status and info messages during processing. ***** INPUT OPTIONS ***** -i Input file containing the graph data generated by the lite version. ***** OUTPUT OPTIONS ***** -o By default, the output files are created in the same directory as the input file with an additional "_prinseq_graphs_XXXX" in their name (where XXXX is replaced by random characters to prevent overwriting previous files). To change the output filename and location, specify the filename using this option. The file extension will be added automatically. -png_all Use this option to generate PNG files with the graphs. -html_all Use this option to generate a HTML file with the graphs and tables. -log Log file to keep track of parameters, errors, etc. The log file name is optional. If no file name is given, the log file name will be "inputname.log". If the log file already exists, new content will be added to the file.