usage: ./PlantTFcat.groovy -q [--nodefile=] [--minslicesize=] [--deltmp] [--sessionid=1234567] -b,--base Base path of pipeline -deltmp Delete user-submitted tmp file from web server. -E,--expect Expect value of complementarity, default: 0.01 -email We will remind you by email upon completion -emailreceiver Reply email address -emailsender Sender email address -h,--help print help information -hostname hostname of web server -minslicesize Minimum slice size of Biogrid, default will be automatically determined by BioGrid -nodefile Node configration file for BioGrid, pipeline will run multi-threads within single computer without it -port port of web server -q,--query Query sequence file full path -remoteaddr remote user IP address, just for recording, optional -sessionid unique session ID, can be specified by user -smtp smtp address