There are three key configuration properties that must be set so MySQL can handle the size of data you are using. They are: myisam_max_sort_file_size myisam_sort_buffer_size read_buffer_size * If you are using an existing MySQL database, login to it and run these commands to see the current values of these properties: mysql> show variables LIKE 'myisam_max_sort_file_size'; mysql> show variables LIKE 'myisam_sort_buffer_size'; mysql> show variables LIKE 'read_buffer_size'; NOTE: These values will display in bytes, i.e. a value of 2147479552 for read_buffer_size is equivalent to 2 Gigabytes. If these values are less than what you will need, as described below, contact your mysql administrator (provide this file for reference). * If you are installing your own mysql, edit these properties in the mysql.cnf file. * Suggested settings a) set myisam_sort_buffer_size= to 50% of available ram - to find out how much ram you have: dmesg | grep Memory - it gives you a report in kilobytes. divide by 1000000 to get a number of Gs. b) set myisam_max_sort_file_size= to 5 x the size of the file made by orthomclBlastParser. - (revisit this after you have run orthomclBlastParser) c) set read_buffer_size= to ???