Kalign version 2.04, Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 Timo Lassmann Kalign is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. Usage: kalign2 [INFILE] [OUTFILE] [OPTIONS] Options: -s, -gapopen Gap open penalty -gap_open -gpo -e, -gapextension Gap extension penalty -gap_ext -gpe -t, -terminal_gap_extension_penalty Terminal gap penalties -tgpe -m, -matrix_bonus A constant added to the substitution matrix. -bonus -c, -sort The order in which the sequences appear in the output alignment. -g, -feature Selects feature mode and specifies which features are to be used: e.g. all, maxplp, STRUCT, PFAM-A.... -same_feature_score Score for aligning same features -diff_feature_score Penalty for aligning different features -d, -distance Distance method. -b, -guide-tree Guide tree method. -tree -z, -zcutoff Parameter used in the wu-manber based distance calculation -i, -input The input file. -infile -in -o, -output The output file. -outfile -out -a, -gap_inc Parameter increases gap penalties depending on the number of existing gaps -f, -format The output format: -q, -quiet Print nothing to STDERR. Read nothing from STDIN Examples: Using pipes: kalign2 [OPTIONS] < [INFILE] > [OUTFILE] more [INFILE] | kalign2 [OPTIONS] > [OUTFILE] Relaxed gap penalties: kalign2 -gpo 60 -gpe 9 -tgpe 0 -bonus 0 < [INFILE] > [OUTFILE] Feature alignment with pairwise alignment based distance method and NJ guide tree: kalign2 -in test.xml -distance pair -tree nj -sort gaps -feature STRUCT -format macsim -out test.macsim