Carrot root and DNA VCRU Bioinformatics USDA ARS Vegetable Crops Research Unit

This page was last updated on Tuesday, 25-Jun-2019 16:03:28 CDT

Installation notes for samtools version 1.2, BCFtools version 1.2, and HTSlib version 1.2.1

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  1. $ cd /programinstallers/
  2. $ vers="1.2"; verb="1.2"; verh="1.2.1"
  3. $ wget -N$verh/htslib-$verh.tar.bz2
  4. $ wget -N$vers/samtools-$vers.tar.bz2
  5. $ wget -N$verb/bcftools-$verb.tar.bz2
  6. $ tar -jxvf htslib-$verh.tar.bz2 && tar -jxvf samtools-$vers.tar.bz2 && tar -jxvf bcftools-$verb.tar.bz2
  7. To allow coexistence with version 0.xx series of samtools, version 1.x files will be installed in a separate location
    $ mkdir /usr/local/bin/samtools1
  8. $ cd htslib-$verh
  9. $ make
  10. $ make prefix=/usr/local/bin/samtools1 install
  11. $ cd ../samtools-$vers
  12. $ make
  13. $ make prefix=/usr/local/bin/samtools1 install
  14. $ cd ../bcftools-$verb
  15. $ make
  16. $ make prefix=/usr/local/bin/samtools1 install
  17. $ cd ..
  18. Cleanup
    $ rm samtools-$vers bcftools-$verb htslib-$verh -rf
  19. Plugin configuration
    $ sudo nano /etc/profile

    export BCFTOOLS_PLUGINS=/usr/local/bin/samtools1/libexec/bcftools