Carrot root and DNA VCRU Bioinformatics USDA ARS Vegetable Crops Research Unit

This page was last updated on Friday, 02-Dec-2016 09:17:00 CST

Installation notes for REAPR version v1.0.17 - July 12, 2013

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  1. $ cd /programinstallers/
  2. $ ver="1.0.17"
  3. $ wget -N$ver.tar.gz
  4. $ wget -N$ver.test_data.tar.gz
  5. $ cd /usr/local/bin
  6. $ tar -zxvf /programinstallers/Reapr_$ver.tar.gz
  7. Make a version-independent symlink
    $ ln -s Reapr_$ver Reapr
  8. $ cd Reapr
  9. $ cp -puv manual.pdf /programinstallers/web/reapr/ && cp -puv README /programinstallers/web/reapr/README.txt
  10. Compile source code
    $ ./
  11. Add Reapr to the default PATH
    $ sudo nano /etc/profile
  12. Test the installation. Log out and back in to have PATH set.
    $ cd /programinstallers
  13. $ tar -zxvf Reapr_$ver.test_data.tar.gz
  14. $ cd Reapr_$ver.test_data
  15. Run the tests. Return code should be zero if no errors occur, otherwise consult the log file
    $ ./ &> test.log ; echo $?
  16. Cleanup
    $ cd .. ; rm Reapr_$ver.test_data -rf
  17. $ tar -zxvf Reapr_$ver.tar.gz
  18. $ cd Reapr_$ver
  19. Copy files for web page
    $ mkdir web/reapr
  20. $ cp -puv manual.pdf web/reapr/ ← this file missing in version 1.0.17, was present in 1.0.16 and 1.0.18, see manual online at
  21. $ cp -puv README web/reapr/README.txt
  22. Compile
    $ ./
  23. Manual installation without source code
    $ cd /usr/local/bin
  24. $ mkdir Reapr_$ver
  25. $ ln -s Reapr_$ver Reapr
  26. Installation for ver 1.0.16 or 1.0.18 was
    $ cp -puv /programinstallers/Reapr_$ver/src/{*pl,task_score,task_stats,task_break,bam2fragCov,bam2insert,bam2fcdEstimate,make_plots,fa2gaps,fa2gc,scaff2contig,n50,task_gapresize,task_fcdrate,bam2perfect} /usr/local/bin/Reapr/
    `' -> `/usr/local/bin/reapr/'
    `' -> `/usr/local/bin/reapr/'
    `' -> `/usr/local/bin/reapr/'
    `' -> `/usr/local/bin/reapr/'
    `' -> `/usr/local/bin/reapr/'
    `' -> `/usr/local/bin/reapr/'
    `' -> `/usr/local/bin/reapr/'
    `' -> `/usr/local/bin/reapr/'
    `task_score' -> `/usr/local/bin/reapr/task_score'
    `task_stats' -> `/usr/local/bin/reapr/task_stats'
    `task_break' -> `/usr/local/bin/reapr/task_break'
    `bam2fragCov' -> `/usr/local/bin/reapr/bam2fragCov'
    `bam2insert' -> `/usr/local/bin/reapr/bam2insert'
    `bam2fcdEstimate' -> `/usr/local/bin/reapr/bam2fcdEstimate'
    `make_plots' -> `/usr/local/bin/reapr/make_plots'
    `fa2gaps' -> `/usr/local/bin/reapr/fa2gaps'
    `fa2gc' -> `/usr/local/bin/reapr/fa2gc'
    `scaff2contig' -> `/usr/local/bin/reapr/scaff2contig'
    `n50' -> `/usr/local/bin/reapr/n50'
    `task_gapresize' -> `/usr/local/bin/reapr/task_gapresize'
    `task_fcdrate' -> `/usr/local/bin/reapr/task_fcdrate'
    `bam2perfect' -> `/usr/local/bin/reapr/bam2perfect'
  27. Also copy supplied already compiled SMALT to the REAPR directory
    $ cp -puv /programinstallers/Reapr_$ver/third_party/smalt_x86_64 /usr/local/bin/Reapr/smalt
  28. This library is hard-coded into the programs
    $ sudo cp -puv Reapr_1.0.18/third_party/bamtools/lib/ /usr/local/lib/bamtools/
  29. Add Reapr to the default PATH
    $ sudo nano /etc/profile
  30. To use our installed versions of bamtools, cmake, samtools, snpomatic, and tabix, we need to make some links in the Reapr directory
    $ cd /usr/local/bin/Reapr
  31. $ mkdir tabix && cd tabix && ln -s /usr/local/bin/tabix && ln -s /usr/local/bin/bgzip ; cd -
  32. $ ln -s /usr/local/bin/bamtools
  33. $ ln -s /usr/local/bin/samtools (Must be 0.x version of samtools)
  34. $ ln -s /usr/local/bin/findknownsnps
  35. This is so we can use reapr instead of
    $ ln -s reapr
  36. For this way of installing, need to change line 11 of /usr/local/bin/Reapr/
    my $reapr_dir = abs_path(File::Spec->catfile($scriptdir, File::Spec->updir()));
    my $reapr_dir = $scriptdir; #abs_path(File::Spec->catfile($scriptdir, File::Spec->updir()));
  37. Test the installation. Log out and back in to have PATH set.
    $ cd /programinstallers
  38. $ tar -zxvf Reapr_$ver.test_data.tar.gz
  39. $ cd cd Reapr_$ver.test_data
  40. Run the test. Return code should be zero if no errors occur
    $ ./ &> test.log ; echo $?
  41. $ cd ..
  42. Cleanup
    $ rm /programinstallers/{Reapr_$ver,Reapr_$ver.test_data} -rf