Carrot root and DNA VCRU Bioinformatics USDA ARS Vegetable Crops Research Unit

This page was last updated on Monday, 14-Nov-2016 11:44:33 CST

Installation notes for Primer3Plus versions 2.3.6 (October 22, 2013) and 1.1.4 (April 29, 2008)

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  1. $ ver="2.3.6"; ver1="1.1.4"
  2. $ cd /programinstallers/
  3. $ wget -N$ver/primer3-src-$ver.tar.gz
  4. Older version needed for compatibility with some other programs
    $ wget -N wget -N$ver1/primer3-$ver1.tar.gz
  5. Old version installation. Warning, Tar bomb!
    $ mkdir primer3-$ver1
  6. $ cd primer3-$ver1
  7. $ tar -zxvf ../primer3-$ver1.tar.gz
  8. $ cd src
  9. $ make
  10. We will install this older version to a directory not in the default PATH so that there is not a conflict with the more current version.
    $ mkdir /usr/local/bin/primer3v1
  11. $ cp -puv primer3_core ntdpal oligotm long_seq_tm_test /usr/local/bin/primer3v1/
  12. Current version installation. Not a tar bomb.
    $ cd /programinstallers
  13. $ tar -zxvf primer3-src-$ver.tar.gz
  14. $ cd primer3-$ver/src
  15. $ make
  16. Installation
    $ cp -puv primer3_core ntdpal ntthal oligotm long_seq_tm_test /usr/local/bin/
  17. $ sudo cp -puvr primer3_config /opt/
  18. Cleanup
    $ cd /programinstallers
  19. $ rm primer3-$ver1 primer3-$ver -rf