Carrot root and DNA VCRU Bioinformatics USDA ARS Vegetable Crops Research Unit

This page was last updated on Monday, 10-Apr-2017 09:19:59 CDT

Installation notes for PlantTFcat version April 30, 2014

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Expat version 1.x, specifically we need

  1. $ wget -N
  2. $ tar -zxvf expat-1.95.8.tar.gz
  3. $ cd expat-1.95.8
  4. $ ./configure
  5. $ make
  6. $ sudo make install

    Libraries have been installed in:

  7. Cleanup
    $ cd .. ; rm expat-1.95.8 -rf


  1. Note, no apparent version number, file date is April 30, 2014
  2. $ cd /programinstallers/
  3. $ wget -N
  4. $ cd /usr/local/bin
  5. $ tar -zxvf /programinstallers/PlantTFcat_pipeline.tar.gz
  6. Some directory permissions need to be altered to allow users to make temporary files when running analyses
    $ sudo chmod -R 777 /usr/local/bin/PlantTFcat/session /usr/local/bin/PlantTFcat/miniIPR/tmp
  7. Not added to default PATH, because instructions specify (in bold) to always use the full path
  8. Test
    $ /usr/local/bin/PlantTFcat/
    usage: ./PlantTFcat.groovy -q <Query Sequence File> [--nodefile=]
                               [--minslicesize=] [--deltmp]
     -b,--base <arg>        Base path of pipeline
     -deltmp                Delete user-submitted tmp file from  web server.
     -E,--expect <arg>      Expect value of complementarity, default: 0.01
     -email <arg>           We will remind you by email upon completion
     -emailreceiver <arg>   Reply email address
     -emailsender <arg>     Sender email address
     -h,--help              print help information
     -hostname <arg>        hostname of web server
     -minslicesize <arg>    Minimum slice size of Biogrid, default will be
                            automatically determined by BioGrid
     -nodefile <arg>        Node configration file for BioGrid, pipeline will
                            run multi-threads within single computer without
     -port <arg>            port of web server
     -q,--query <arg>       Query sequence file full path
     -remoteaddr <arg>      remote user IP address, just for recording,
     -sessionid <arg>       unique session ID, can be specified by user
     -smtp <arg>            smtp address
  9. To resolve error groovy: JAVA_HOME not set and cannot find javac to deduce location, please set JAVA_HOME.
    $ which java
  10. Note that /bin/java part is not included
    $ sudo nano /etc/profile

    # for PlantTFcat
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr
    Don't leave this defined, breaks other programs!
  11. More errors encountered
     Caught: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread
    Exception in thread "Thread-54" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread
    Fatal exception (source file /homes/hunter/software/source/hmmer/hmmer-3.0b3/easel/esl_threads.c, line 129):
    thread creation failed
    FATAL: Failed to create thread 19; return code 11
    I might have resolved both of these errors by increasing the java memory from 2048m to 6g in, increasing the maximum number of processes with ulimit -u 4096 (it was 1024 before), and increasing the maximum number of open file descriptors in /etc/security/limits.conf, before it was 10000 and I increased to 40000. But I am not sure which (if any) of these fixed it.