Carrot root and DNA VCRU Bioinformatics USDA ARS Vegetable Crops Research Unit

This page was last updated on Tuesday, 13-Dec-2016 16:03:20 CST

Installation notes for Biopieces version 2282

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  1. $ cd /usr/local/bin
  2. $ svn checkout biopieces
    A biopieces/00README
    Checked out revision 2282.
  3. $ cd biopieces
  4. $ svn checkout bp_usage
    A bp_usage/ Checked out revision 2282.
  5. Every user will have to do this one time:
    $ mkdir ~/biopiecesdata ; mkdir ~/logs ; mkdir ~/logs/biopieceslog
  6. Every user will need to add this to their ~/.bashrc
    # biopieces
    export BP_DIR="/usr/local/bin/biopieces"  # Directory where biopieces are installed
    export BP_DATA="$HOME/biopiecesdata"      # Contains genomic data etc.
    export BP_TMP="/tmp"                      # Required temporary directory.
    export BP_LOG="$HOME/logs/biopieceslog"   # Required log directory.
    if [ -f "$BP_DIR/bp_conf/bashrc" ]; then
        source "$BP_DIR/bp_conf/bashrc"
  7. Test
    $ bp_test
    Testing Perl version ... OK
    Testing required Perl module - "Inline": OK
    Testing required Perl module - "JSON::XS": OK
    Testing required Perl module - "SVG": OK
    Testing required Perl module - "Bit::Vector": OK
    Testing required Perl module - "Time::HiRes": OK
    Testing Ruby version ... OK
    Testing required Ruby gem - "gnuplot": OK
    Testing required Ruby gem - "narray": OK
    Testing required Ruby gem - "RubyInline": OK
    Testing required Ruby gem - "terminal-table": OK
    Testing auxiliary program - "blastall": WARNING
    Testing auxiliary program - "blat": OK
    Testing auxiliary program - "bwa": OK
    Testing auxiliary program - "bowtie": WARNING
    Testing auxiliary program - "bowtie2": WARNING
    Testing auxiliary program - "formatdb": WARNING
    Testing auxiliary program - "hmmsearch": WARNING
    Testing auxiliary program - "gnuplot": OK
    Testing auxiliary program - "idba_hybrid": WARNING
    Testing auxiliary program - "muscle": OK
    Testing auxiliary program - "mummer": OK
    Testing auxiliary program - "mysql": OK
    Testing auxiliary program - "prodigal": WARNING
    Testing auxiliary program - "Ray": WARNING
    Testing auxiliary program - "scan_for_matches": WARNING
    Testing auxiliary program - "usearch": WARNING
    Testing auxiliary program - "velveth": WARNING
    Testing auxiliary program - "velvetg": WARNING
    Testing auxiliary program - "vmatch": WARNING