Haploview 4.2 Command line options -h, -help Print this message -v, -version Print out the version number -memory allocates megabytes of memory (default 512) -n, -nogui Command line output only -q, -quiet Quiet mode- doesnt print any warnings or information to screen -log Specify a logfile name (defaults to haploview.log if no name specified) -out Specify a fileroot to be used for all output files -pedfile Specify an input file (or http:// location) in pedigree file format -hapmap Specify an input file (or http:// location) in HapMap format -phasedhmpdata Specify a HapMap PHASE data file (or http:// location) -phasedhmpsample Specify a HapMap PHASE sample file (or http:// location) -phasedhmplegend Specify a HapMap PHASE legend file (or http:// location) -gzip Indicates that phased input files use GZIP compression -hapmapDownload Specify a phased HapMap download -haps Specify an input file (or http:// location) in .haps format -info Specify a marker info file (or http:// location) -plink Specify a PLINK or other results file (or http:// location) -map Specify a map file or binary map file (or http:// location) -nonSNP Specify that the accompanying PLINK file is non-SNP based output -selectCols Activate the preloading column filter for PLINK loads -batch Batch mode. Each line in batch file should contain a genotype file followed by an optional info file, separated by a space. -blocks Blocks file (or http:// location), one block per line, will force output for these blocks -track Specify an input analysis track file (or http:// location) -excludeMarkers Specify markers (in range 1-N where N is total number of markers) to be skipped for all analyses. Format: 1,2,5..12 -skipcheck Skips the various genotype file checks -chromosome <1-22,X,Y> Specifies the chromosome for this file or download -panel Specifies the analysis panel for this HapMap download -startpos Specifies the start position in kb for this HapMap download -endpos Specifies the end position in kb for this HapMap download -release <16a,21,22> Specifies the HapMap phase for this HapMap download (defaults to 21) -dprime Outputs LD text to .LD