------------------------------------------ Setting up environment variables --- LD_LIBRARY_PATH is .:/usr/local/bin/fgapdir/mcr/v717/runtime/glnxa64:/usr/local/bin/fgapdir/mcr/v717/bin/glnxa64:/usr/local/bin/fgapdir/mcr/v717/sys/os/glnxa64:/usr/local/bin/fgapdir/mcr/v717/sys/java/jre/glnxa64/jre/lib/amd64/native_threads:/usr/local/bin/fgapdir/mcr/v717/sys/java/jre/glnxa64/jre/lib/amd64/server:/usr/local/bin/fgapdir/mcr/v717/sys/java/jre/glnxa64/jre/lib/amd64/client:/usr/local/bin/fgapdir/mcr/v717/sys/java/jre/glnxa64/jre/lib/amd64 ------------------------------------------ FGAP v1.7 ------------------------------------------ Not enough input arguments Usage in command-line mode (compiled): ./run_fgap.sh -d -a "" [parameters] Usage in Matlab/Octave (source): fgap -d -a '' [parameters] -d /--draft-file Draft genome file [fasta format - Ex: 'draft.fasta'] -a /--datasets-files List of datasets files to close gaps [fasta format - Ex: 'dataset1.fasta,dataset2.fasta'] -s /--min-score Min Score (raw) to return results from BLAST (integer) - Default: 25 -e /--max-evalue Max E-Value to return results from BLAST (float) - Default: 1e-7 -i /--min-identity Min identity (%) to return results from BLAST (integer [0-100]) - Default: 70 -C /--contig-end-length Length (bp) of contig ends to perform BLAST alignment (integer) - Default: 300 -T /--edge-trim-length Length of ignored bases (bp) upstream and downstrem of the gap (integer) - Default: 0 -R /--max-remove-length Max number of bases (bp) that can be removed (integer) - Default: 500 -I /--max-insert-length Max number of bases (bp) that can be inserted (integer) - Default: 500 -p /--positive-gap Enable closing of positive gaps (with insertion) (integer [0-1]) - Default: 1 -z /--zero-gap Enable closing of zero gaps (without insert any base) (integer [0-1]) - Default: 0 -g /--negative-gap Enable closing of negative gaps (overlapping contig ends) (integer [0-1]) - Default: 0 -c /--gap-char Base that represents the gap (char) - Default: 'N' -b /--blast-path Blast+ package path (only makeblastdb and blastn are needed, version 2.2.28+ or higher) - Default: '' -l /--blast-alignment-parameters BLAST alignment parameters (opengap,extendgap,match,mismatch,wordsize) - Default: '1,1,1,-3,15' -r /--blast-max-results Max results from BLAST for each query (integer) - Default: 200 -t /--threads Number of threads (integer) - Default: 1 -m /--more-output More output files with gap regions after and before gap closing (integer [0-1]) - Default: 0 -o /--output-prefix Output prefix [File or folder - Ex: 'out' or 'out_folder/out' ] - Default: 'output_fgap' -h /--help This help message