Usage: sga filter [OPTION] ... READSFILE
Remove reads from a data set.
The currently available filters are removing exact-match duplicates
and removing reads with low-frequency k-mers.
Automatically rebuilds the FM-index without the discarded reads.

      --help                           display this help and exit
      -v, --verbose                    display verbose output
      -p, --prefix=PREFIX              use PREFIX for the names of the index files (default: prefix of the input file)
      -o, --outfile=FILE               write the qc-passed reads to FILE (default: READSFILE.filter.pass.fa)
      -t, --threads=NUM                use NUM threads to compute the overlaps (default: 1)
      -d, --sample-rate=N              use occurrence array sample rate of N in the FM-index. Higher values use significantly
                                       less memory at the cost of higher runtime. This value must be a power of 2 (default: 128)
      --no-duplicate-check             turn off duplicate removal
      --no-kmer-check                  turn off the kmer check
      --homopolymer-check              check reads for hompolymer run length sequencing errors
      --low-complexity-check           filter out low complexity reads

K-mer filter options:
      -k, --kmer-size=N                The length of the kmer to use. (default: 27)
      -x, --kmer-threshold=N           Require at least N kmer coverage for each kmer in a read. (default: 3)

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