Carrot root and DNA VCRU Bioinformatics USDA ARS Vegetable Crops Research Unit

This page was last updated on Monday, 19-Mar-2018 12:54:06 CDT

Installation notes for SMRT Link version

Home Page

Link to running instance



  1. $ ver=""
  2. $ cd /programinstallers/
  3. $ wget -N$
  4. $ unzip smrtlink_$
    [] password:
  5. Login as smrtanalysis user
  6. $ ver=""
  7. $ cd /programinstallers/
  8. $ SMRT_ROOT=/opt/pacbio/smrtlink
  9. Add the following lines to /etc/security/limits.conf
    smrtanalysis     soft    nofile          8192
    smrtanalysis     hard    nofile          8192
  10. This performs the installation:
    $ ./smrtlink_$ --rootdir $SMRT_ROOT
    Use the 'smrtanalysis' as the SMRT Analysis user? [Y/n]: y
      Specify the Local File System Root Directory:  [/opt/pacbio/smrtlink]: 
      Enter the SMRT Link GUI (http) port [9090]: 
      Enter the SMRT Link Services port [9091]: 
      Enter the SMRT Link GUI Shutdown port [9092]: 
      Enter the SMRT Link GUI AJP port [9093]: 
      Enter the SMRT Link Services initial memory (in MB) [32768]: 
      Enter the SMRT Link Services maximum memory (in MB) [32768]: 
      Enter the SMRT Link GUI initial memory (in MB) [8192]: 
      Enter the SMRT Link GUI maximum memory (in MB) [8192]: 
      Enter the SMRT View Server (http) port [9094]: 
      Enter the initial memory SMRT View Server (in MB) [32768]:
      Enter the maximum memory SMRT View Server (in MB) [32768]: 
      Enter the SMRT Link Database port [9095]: 
      Enter the full path to the 'dbdatadir' directory [/opt/pacbio/smrtlink/userdata/db_datadir.default]: 
      Directory '/opt/pacbio/smrtlink/userdata/db_datadir.default' does not exist.  Create it? [Y/n]: 
    The following directories should be configured to point to the
    actual locations:
    data_root - This directory stores PacBio instrument data and needs 
                to be large (> 30TB).  
      Enter the full path to the 'data_root' directory [/opt/pacbio/smrtlink/userdata/data_root.default]: 
      Directory '/opt/pacbio/smrtlink/userdata/data_root.default' does not exist.  Create it? [Y/n]: 
        Creating directory '/opt/pacbio/smrtlink/userdata/data_root.default'...
    jobs_root - This directory stores output from SMRT Analysis and needs 
                to be large (> 15TB).  
      Enter the full path to the 'jobs_root' directory [/opt/pacbio/smrtlink/userdata/jobs_root.default]: 
      Directory '/opt/pacbio/smrtlink/userdata/jobs_root.default' does not exist.  Create it? [Y/n]: 
        Creating directory '/opt/pacbio/smrtlink/userdata/jobs_root.default'...
    tmp_dir - This directory is used for fast I/O operations, and should be
              a local directory (not NFS mounted) and needs to be large for
              large genome assembly jobs (>500Gb minimum, 1Tb recommended).
              This directory will be automatically created, as needed, on 
              compute cluster nodes.
      Enter the full path to the 'tmp_dir' directory [/tmp/smrtlink]: 
      Directory '/tmp/smrtlink' does not exist.  Create it? [Y/n]: 
      Enable SMRT Link Event Service? [Y/n]: 
      Enable SMRT Link Update Service? [Y/n]: 
      Test connectivity to the remote URLs? [Y/n]: 
    Pick an option:
        1) None (Non-Distributed Mode)
        2) Other JMS
    Choice [1]: 1
      Enter the max number of workers 'NWORKERS' [50]: 
    NPROC - Specifies the maximum number of processors per task
      Enter the number of processors per task 'NPROC [63]: 
    TOTAL_NPROC - Specifies the maximum number of total processors/slots
                  a pbsmrtpipe job will use concurrently.
      Enter the total number of processors 'TOTAL_NPROC' [1000]: 64
    CHUNKING - Specifies whether large files should be broken up into 
               smaller chunks
      Enable chunking 'CHUNKING'? [Y/n]: 
    MAXCHUNKS - Specify the maximum number of chunks when breaking up 
                large files
      Enter the max number of chunks 'MAXCHUNKS' [24]: 
  11. $ $SMRT_ROOT/admin/bin/services-start
    this takes several minutes to complete
    Starting SMRT View Server Node...
    Tomcat started.
      SMRT View Server Node started successfully..
    Step #1 Attempting to apply-config
    Successfully Completed apply-config
    Successfully completed running 0.2.0 (smrtflow 0.6.7+9513.aef53eb) in 1 sec.
    completed applying config
    Step #2 Checking system requirements (e.g., ulimits)
    No conflicts with SMRT Link detected.
    Successfully completed checking system requirements
    Step #3 Checking if db is up and running
    Successfully completed check for Postgres database (db is up and running)
    Step #4a Checking SMRT Link Analysis services daemon...
    Successfully completed checking SMRT Link Analysis services daemon is NOT running.
    Step #4b Checking Tomcat GUI webserver daemon...
    Successfully completed checking Tomcat GUI webserver daemon is NOT running.
    Step #4c Checking WSO2 API Manager daemon...
    Successfully completed checking WSO2 API Manager daemon is NOT running.
    Completed check of sub-components; SLA, Tomcat and WSO2 API Manager. No sub-component is running
    Step #5 Attempting to Start SMRTLink Analysis services daemon...
    Successfully started up SMRT Link Analysis services on PID 60639
    Successfully got status Services have been up for 10.744 seconds.
    Successfully completed running 0.1.0 (smrtflow 0.6.7+9513.aef53eb) in 14 sec.
    Step #6 Attempting to start Tomcat GUI webserver daemon...
    Tomcat started.
    Successfully got status of http://localhost:9090/sl
    Successfully completed running 0.1.0 (smrtflow 0.6.7+9513.aef53eb) in 3 sec.
    Successfully started up tomcat GUI webserver
    Attempting to start WSO2 API Manager...
    Attempting to configure API Manager for SL Analysis backend...
    added roles 
    updated API b7f69d91-21ec-41e1-9f5f-98c80a8ce613
    Attempting to configure API Manager admin proxy...
    updated API 7c20cecd-a8f8-4847-96c3-7590e82cf7f2
    created ReadOnlyRemoteUserStoreService definition
    Successfully started up and configured WSO2 API Manager for SL Analysis backend
    Completed starting the SMRT Link Analysis services, tomcat UI server and WSO2 API Manager
    Waiting for services to start...
    Checking SMRT Link status...
    Checking SMRT View status...
    Status summary:
        SMRT Link status:  ok
        SMRT View status:  ok
    Services started successfully.
  12. $